How to Reset Netgear Extender

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Discover the right way to reset Netgear Extender and ensure seamless and reliable WiFi coverage throughout your home or office. Get back to a stronger, more stable connection today!

Resetting your Netgear Extender can help resolve various connectivity issues and restore optimal performance. Follow these steps to reset  Netgear Extender:

  1. Locate the Reset Button: Look for a small reset button on your Netgear Extender. It's usually located on the side or the bottom of the device. You might need a paperclip or a similar tool to press the button.

  2. Power On the Extender: Make sure your Netgear Extender is powered on and plugged into an electrical outlet.

  3. Press and Hold the Reset Button: Gently press and hold the reset button using a paperclip or a similar tool. Keep holding it for about 10-15 seconds.

  4. Release the Reset Button: After holding the reset button for the specified time, release it. The extender's LED lights might blink during this process, indicating that the reset is in progress.

  5. Wait for Reboot: Allow the extender a moment to reboot and restore its default settings. This might take a few minutes.

  6. Reconfigure Settings: Once the extender has rebooted, you'll need to reconfigure its settings. Connect your computer or mobile device to the extender's default Wi-Fi network, which is usually named something like "NETGEAR_EXT" followed by a series of numbers.

  7. Access the Setup Page: Open a web browser and enter "" or "" in the address bar. This will take you to the Netgear Extender's setup page.

  8. Follow Setup Instructions: The setup page will guide you through the process of configuring your extender's settings, including connecting it to your existing Wi-Fi network. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.

  9. Test Connectivity: After completing the setup, ensure that your devices are connecting to the extender's network and that you're experiencing improved connectivity.

Remember that resetting your Netgear Extender will erase any custom settings and configurations you had previously applied. If you had specific settings, such as network names or passwords, you'll need to re-enter them during the setup process.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully reset your Netgear Extender and address any connectivity issues you were facing.
